What to Expect
Expect A Warm And Honest Welcome!
We are excited about what God is doing through us, and we are thrilled that you would join us for a service.
Expect To Hear The Gospel!
That is and should be the highest priority of the church according to Matthew 28:18-20. If you do not know for sure, but would like to know, someone will gladly share with you God's simple plan of salvation. If you do know, we want to praise the Lord with you!
Expect To Hear Old Fashioned Hymns!
We are happy and unashamed to be singing the songs and hymns that aided in bringing revival to so many generations. The Bible says in Colossians 3:16, “Teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” and that is exactly what we sing!
Expect Old Fashioned, Bible Based Preaching!
There is nothing like the power of God coming down on the man of God as he preaches the Word of God to the people of God. We are honored to have a pastor that believes in preaching the whole counsel of God.
Answers for Questions You May Have

What Are the Services Like?
Every service is focused on the preaching and teaching of God's Word to build a spiritual foundation, encourage growth, and challenge you to a closer walk with Christ. We worship the Lord through traditional hymns and scripture songs. We take great joy in singing God's own words back to Him. As a congregation, we strive to honor God by singing music that aligns with the doctrinal truths from the Bible.

What Bible Is Used?
We use the King James Bible for all of the preaching and teaching. We believe the Word of God to be the Only Authority for our faith and practice. Our members carry their own Bible to each worship; however, we do also provide Bibles for those who need them.

Will I Be Asked For Money?
During every service we receive an offering from our members, but we don't expect our guests to put anything in the offering plate. Our members regularly give tithes and offerings to finance the ministries of Faith Baptist Church. We truly want the service to be our gift to you and want you to feel no obligation to give anything.

What Should I Wear?
There is no official dress code for members or guests at Faith Baptist Church. However, most of our members dress in their “Sunday” attire. We believe in Biblical modesty in what we wear, but whatever you wear, you will not feel uncomfortable. We strive to have an atmosphere that demonstrates love, respect, and reverence for God that is expressed not only by our dress but also by our conduct.